If you know the importance of living with an environment-friendly lifestyle, then you should be interested on how to live with a “green lifestyle”. Here are the simple tips you should start practicing. Make this a habit. Later, this will turn into lifestyle.
1. Avoid and Reduce Waste
- Avoid instant and processed foods. They are usually packed with Styrofoam and plastic that are not recyclable and are “throw-away” materials. Aside from that, they are not healthy.
- When going shopping, use “green bag” instead of plastic bags. It is a reusable bag with a biodegradable material. Some malls provide you with shopping points when you use the bag.
- When buying at the public market, you can also use the green bag or basket. If not, use lesser plastic bags as possible. You can place all types of vegetables in a plastic, fish in the other and meat in another plastic, so as not to have plastic for each item you buy. That will give you less waste when at home.
- Minimize buying products in sachet. They produce more wastes than buying in bottle, which can be reused or recycled.
- If you don’t need the plastic pack, don’t get it.
- If you can drink without the straw, don’t ask for it.
- Prepare at least three waste receptacles for the biodegradable, recyclable and residual wastes.
- Label the receptacles as necessary for you to familiarize the type of waste to put on that certain receptacle.
- Throw your garbage properly to the receptacle where it should be thrown.
- Segregate junkfood wrappers, empty sachets and tetra packs. They can be made into recycled products.
- Reuse materials such as empty bottles, plastic or glass, either for same purpose or another.
- Reuse plastic bag as container or receptacle before throwing it to the waste bin.
- Wash the plastic cellophanes, especially those from the market, let it dry and keep for future use.
- Learn how to recycle wastes such as junkfood wrappers, empty sachets and tetra packs.
- If you do not have time to recycle, donate those wastes to students or relatives who have school project in recycling.
- Sell recyclable materials to a nearby junk shop or ambulant junk buyer for additional income.
- Have your own backyard composting that is made of low-cost materials such as bamboo, olds GI sheets, cyclone wires or wooden slabs.
- Learn on how to do composting.
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